FREE SHIPPING on orders of $220 or more in the continental U.S.
Shipping fresh and frozen scallops and more the week of May 10, just in time for Mother's Day!

"Restoring the Maine Scallop Industry with the Scallop Queen, Togue Brawn" - Global Seafood Alliance

"Restoring the Maine Scallop Industry with the Scallop Queen, Togue Brawn" - Global Seafood Alliance

What does sustainability look like in the scallop fishery? How can fisheries be both sustainable and profitable? How can consumers know their food is being sourced responsibly? How can you change unsustainable practices in well-established industries? Tune in for Togue Brawn (the unofficial Scallop Queen) talking all about small-scale fishing, self-regulation, federal fisheries, her favorite recipes, and restoring the Maine Scallop industry. Listen to the full episode here.


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